Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hookers and Blow

Ah, now that I have your attention...

So, this post has nothing to do with hookers or blow, but does have do with ladybits. I come from a background that is all about keeping private parts, well, private. The idea of stripping off my skivvies in front of a stranger purely for aesthetic reasons seems a bit weird. Now, women have to go for pap smears once a year, this involves not only stripping down to skivvies but some poking and prodding as well, but it has to be done.  The number of bikini waxes a woman has per year varies and whether it's a necessity or not is a debate for another time. Wouldn't it be great if the same gynecologist could do both, whenever either was required????

Of course, one could argue that gynecologists are trained MD's and that a bikini wax is well below their skill set and education level and I couldn't disagree. I'm just thinking that it would be better for all the women out there to have one less stranger dealing with their ladybits.

Just a thought.

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