Thursday, March 31, 2011

I have never had a manicure. Or a pedicure for that matter.

Nope. Never had one of either. I've wanted to have one, but now I just feel awkward because I never got to learn any of the etiquette associated with it.  Why have I never had one you ask? Probably mostly because I'm cheap, I mean frugal, hmmm, how about practical? Yeah, lets go with that.

I've hinted on numerous occasions to those in my life that buy me gifts (which reminds me, remind me to write a post on my philosophy of gifts) that I would like to have one, that it would be a special treat, but nope, no luck.  I don't know why I feel silly just outright asking for one, I mean, they're pretty common. Probably because my friends are a pretty practical bunch as well and don't generally have them either.

While we're on the subject of me depriving myself, I've never had a massage or a facial either. Hmmm, I might fail at being a girl. Oh wait, I have lots of shoes! Hopefully 'they' won't throw me to the wolves after all.

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