Saturday, February 12, 2011

I should rob you.

Sorry for being away for a bit, I'm doing a spot of traveling at the moment and I am not up on technology nearly enough to have any sort of smart phone (most of those are probably smarter than me) or nice travel sized laptop to put my thoughts down. I've had a lot of good thoughts, but since I am usually in my bathing suit I don't have a place to even keep a pen and paper to write them down (see Soapy shower thoughts to learn more about my perpetual dilemma).

Anywhoo, while traveling, I've been reminded of some things I hate don't like (I heard it's bad to hate things) about other travelers.
  1. People who wear their money belt/passport neck thingy on the outside of their clothes. The whole point of those horrible uncomfortable contraptions is to hide them. Otherwise use things like wallets, bags or pockets.
  2. People who wear their day pack on the front. Now, don't get me wrong, I've done this - mostly when my main pack is strapped to my back and getting things out of my little bag will be easier when it's within reach. I may have even done it once or twice when in a very crowded area when a deft pickpocket might have been able to get into the bag on my back without me noticing (how I figured that they wouldn't be able to get in if my arms were busy holding it in front I'm not sure). However, when you do this say, at the airport or on a hiking trail, you just look dumb. You also look uncomfortable as you may have noticed that it is not called a front pack, it is called a back pack.
This is all for now. If you participate in these traits and you get robbed by an otherwise fairly innocent looking traveler, it might be me expressing my rage.

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