Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm a bitch

Office politics. I've never been very good at them.

I am a little different than most people. I generally fully understand social norms and can act quite easily within them, but am definitely not a follower and I over analyze things possibly to a fault.

Which brings me to my point. One of my lazy lazy co-workers who is constantly on facebook (I refer to her as facebook girl) has a phone that every time it goes off, it makes my computer speakers go haywire. No idea why. It's a network thing. My phone/network doesn't have that effect (thank god!). So every single freaking time she gets a call or a text my speakers alert the entire office that she's got a personal call/text. This is assuming she's actually in the office and not on some mysterious out of office business; but that is a story for another day.

Now, calling her facebook girl (FBG) is actually a bit of a misnomer, as she is around 36 years old. Yet there she is on facebook, hours a day, chatting while at work and when she's not doing that she's on personal phone calls rehashing things that she's posted on facebook. Thankfully, she's never added me to facebook because I'm sure I would have to block out millions of things from my newsfeed about farms, mafias and horoscopes. I can make this presumption because she is actually apparently only 13 years old mentally and one day giggled about how she had changed her last name on facebook to Mathers. Like in honor of Eminem. Seriously.

Let the record show, I absolutely go on facebook while at work. Who doesn't? Well who doesn't that doesn't have it blocked? I like facebook for number of reasons, also none of which I'll bother to get into right now. In fact, I'm writing this blog post while at work. I'm such a rebel. My complaint more so is that she's too dumb to be embarrassed by her actions. It's a game that we all play, management knows that we don't work 100% of the time (who does?) but in an act of courtesy, when someone walks by, act like you are working for gods sake. Of course, I'm pretty lucky, my computer screen faces a corner so no one can see what I'm not doing unless they swing around the cubicle wall.

Further to my annoyance, she is a verbalizer. Lucky me, I get a play by play of EVERYTHING that she bothers to do in a day. "Oh good, so-and-so just emailed me back!" "I just printed 25 copies of a document" "Why don't I read this news release word for word even though all the information was already in the paper and I'm days behind on reading these things?" Hmm, okay, she might not verbalize that last one exactly like that, but you get the idea.

On the bright side, since she's not my facebook friend when she really makes me mad I can put snarky status' about her :)

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