Thursday, January 13, 2011

How not to multi-task

The idea of multi-tasking is a great one. We all should do more of it. What we should NOT do however, is watch TV and surf the internet (unless of course you're reading a great blog like mine) as that isn't multi-tasking. While I may like to pretend that it's not just me sitting on the couch and wasting the *prime* years of my life, that's really all it is. With a portal on my lap that can show me in an instant what exactly it is that I am missing.

Oh internet, how I love/hate thee.

I'm thinking of going into a self imposed TV exile (and besides, think of all the great things that will be on my PVR when I go back to it), but I'm pretty sure I lack the discipline for a task of that magnitude.

I did however, turn the TV off to write this post.

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