Saturday, January 29, 2011

Life imitating art

So, because God likes to show s/he has a sense of humor, this is how my evening went. Roommate was watching an episode of Seinfeld earlier, "The Movie". Then, a friend texts me to invite me to movie. I debated not going, after all, I was warm and cozy and deep down I'm mildly anti-social (which is why I put all my best thoughts here and not into real conversation :p). Then I remembered that I'm single and will forever stay that way unless I leave the house once and a while. Although I did have a kind of cute cable guy....

I digress. So the textvite was for the 9:30 show, at the theater closest to my house; which was pretty exciting because this friend always wants to go to the newer, shinier theater that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay across town. So I told my friend I would meet them (him, his fiancee and her kid) there, declining the odd invitation to go to his place first as that would involve backtracking on my part.

How does this relate to the Seinfeld episode? Well, if you've decided not to follow my handy-dandy link to the synopsis, it boils down to something like this: the gang have plans to meet up to see a movie, but of course all does not go as planned, mix-ups with tickets, multiple theaters, hilarity ensues.

How does the episode play out in real life? Thirtysomething gets to the theater, confused because it's 9:18 and the rest of the crew is nowhere to be seen. So I whip out the phone and ask him where he is. He tells me he's there and not to worry because he already has my ticket. I hear a lot of background noise, yet oddly, the inferior, but closer, theater that I'm standing in is nearly empty and certainly not generating enough noise to be heard in the background of someone's phone.

Yup. Wrong theater. Totally not my fault. After hanging up, I debate my plan - as I'm about to buy myself a ticket to a movie at the theater I'm standing in, the phone rings again and my friend convinces me to drive the 27 minute (that was with almost all green lights, I shudder to think if it hadn't been) drive across town to watch with them. Ok,so the hilarity and similarity mostly ends there. But really, how does something like that happen?? How on earth did he TYPE the wrong theater name?

On a side note, "Life As We Know It" can only have been greenlighted because of who they had cast to star in it. Katherine Heigl for the boys to drool over and Josh Duhamel for the ladies. Oddly, I'm actually mostly a fan of the RomCom, but this one was so predictable and short on laughs that I could have cried.

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