Sunday, January 30, 2011


I have a roommate.

I never intended to have a roommate again, it just sort of happened. I mean, I had a roommate in my first apartment back when I was 18, although, come to think of it, that wasn't planned either. I realized the other day that my roommate has lived with me for almost a year now. A year! Big deal you're thinking, that's pretty normal. Which it is, except this roommate was only supposed to be here for a couple months.  And now I'm addicted to the extra cash and am afraid of her leaving.

I don't mind having the Roommate, I'm lucky enough to have quite a large house and she's about the same level of messiness/tidiness that I am so that mostly works out. In fact, pretty much my only complaint is how she uses the dishwasher. In a good case of irony, I made her use the dishwasher. Way back when when she first moved in she hand washed all of her dishes. She uses a lot of dishes. Of course that is probably because unlike me she eats a more varied diet than just different types of cereal.

Now, she just abuses the poor thing. Hmmm.... and my pots and pans come to think of it. She has a bad habit of scalding things to the bottom of the pot and then letting it sit for a day and then putting it straight into the dishwasher. I've tried explaining the my dishwasher is the Kia of dishwashers, not like those Cadillac models that they always have in the dishwasher detergent commercials that actually have a hope of getting of baked off food (and then a garbuerator type thing to dispose of the food bits - mine just bakes them onto the other dishes). Then there's the issue of her putting jars with their labels still on in there. Sigh. I've tried explaining it nicely to her, but she just doesn't seem to get it. I suppose on a bright note, she does "do" the dishes, if I leave dish in the sink it magically makes its way into the machine and gets cleaned.

The only other downside is she is home. All of the time. Like ALL OF THE TIME which means that even though it's my own house I feel weird at the prospect of bringing a guy home. Plus, since I turned the entire second floor into my master suite, I don't actually have a door to my bedroom; and I'm a screamer.

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